Sunday, July 13, 2014

Brandon Duran Had SOLE Custody of His Son - The Reason...

So often we hear that when parents separate and/or divorce, the mother is the parent who typically maintains custody. Every so often, however, there are sound, common sense reasons why the custody is given to the father. This is the story of Brandon Duran's custody battle with his ex-wife (Amber) over his son, HOW she LOST CUSTODY per the state of Nevada and was deemed "UNFIT", HOW she kidnapped and ran off with her son (2007), HOW her boyfriend, Justin Hammer, was witnessed threatening Brandon Duran to "watch his back" after Amber lost the custody hearing in Nevada.

As of July 13, 2014, Amber is being considered a possible suspect in the murder of Brandon Duran.

DHS has forced the return of their son, Little Brando, who up until the time of his father's murder, was in his father's FULL LEGAL CUSTODY. Little Brando and his father Brandon were residents of Ramona, CA, a rural town in San Diego County. Little Brando went to pre-school there, had friends there, had his family there - his grandmother Cyndi, his Uncle Garrett (Brandon's brother), his Aunt Aida. He had a good life.

It is suspected that Amber (who seems to have been still together with her boyfriend Justin Hammer - yes, the convicted murderer) lured Brandon Duran to drive back to Oklahoma with her in a step toward "reconciliation". Clearly, that never happened. Shortly after their arrival of the three of them to her family's house in Garvin County, Oklahoma, Brandon Duran was murdered by Amber's boyfriend, Justin Hammer. Theories regarding how Duran ended up at Hammer's residence will be the topic for a different post.

Little Brando spent most of the last two years living in San Diego with his beloved grandmother, Cyndi Wear, along with his aunt and uncle being loved, taken care of and having many opportunities to participate in and experience Cub Scouts, tee-ball, the Irish dance community, a loving family - the only thing he has left of his beloved father.

The bottom line is, Oklahoma courts have ordered Little Brando to be returned to DHS foster care with the intent that he will be reunited with his mother, Amber, at some point in the future. In the meantime, he is far away from his family that loves him, he has no way to contact his grandmother in San Diego. DHS is NOT following through with the required Skype visits as they should. DHS is NOT ACTING IN LITTLE BRANDO'S BEST INTERESTS.

Below will follow a litany of links and articles that may cause you to pause and consider whether Amber is fit to regain custody of her son, and whether or not it is in Brando's best interest.


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